When do balloons fly?
May through October here in Pennsylvania. During the flying season balloons fly daily just after sunrise and about 2.5 hours before sunset. Balloons generally do not fly at night, and they generally do not fly in the middle of the day. The reason being that it is very hard to see obstacles when landing at night, and the winds are gusty and unpredictable in the middle of the day.
Where do the balloons fly?
We fly in beautiful Chester County Pennsylvania. More specifically, near Marsh Creek State Park, so we have lot of breathtaking scenery to enjoy over the course of our flight. If you would like to discuss the possibility of flying from your property, please give us a call at (484) 696-4683.
Is it cold up there?
Not much colder than it is on the ground. The average hot air balloon flight goes about 2500 ft up (more on this below). Most of the time it is just slightly cooler there than on the ground. In addition, the balloon travels with the winds so there is not that much of a wind chill.
What should I wear?
It is recommended to wear layers and dress as if you are going on a hike. Layers are recommended so you can peel layers or add layers as you see fit. If something is unneeded, leave it in the van! Pants and flat soled/ closed toe shoes are a must. You never know where we may land!
How high does the balloon go?
- The short answer is that it depends on the weather. Some days we may travel as high as 6000' to find winds that agree with our planned flight. Other days we may not ever go higher than 2000'. Again, it all comes down to what your pilot feels is best for the flight.
Where do we land?
Wherever the wind takes us! Flying in a balloon is an adventure because we go where the wind takes us. We can climb or descend to find winds that are more favorable but in general we go with the wind. That being said, it is our duty to find an acceptable place to launch from for that days particular weather patterns. Our goal is to end up in a safe area to land after having a beautiful flight. Where ever we do land our faithful chase crew will be there to assist with packing up the balloon and provide us with a ride back our meeting location.
How do you direct the balloon where to go?
- Your pilot finds different layers of wind at different altitudes that can take the balloon different directions and speeds. The pilot has looked at the forecast before the flight to determine what the predicted speeds and directions are at different altitudes. With that information your pilot can choose a safe and beautiful location to launch from.
How long is the flight?
- Flights last anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on the winds that we have that day. We love to fly and if we can fly longer safely we will! The entire time that you will be with us can range from 3.5 to more than 4 hours. This again comes down to many variables. If you have reservations after the flight be sure to let us know so we can get you back in a timely manner.
Who will fly the balloon?
Only FAA certified Commercial Pilots are authorized to carry passengers for compensation or hire are allowed to fly the balloon. So rest assured that your pilot has passed the requirements set forth by the federal government to operate a hot air balloon.
Do you have any restrictions on who can fly?
- We need to know any medical issues that you might have so we can determine before the flight if that days weather conditions are acceptable for your particular situation. We have flown passengers as old as 94 years young without issue. And we can do that as long as the weather conditions allow the flight.
- We ask that our passengers be of able body to get into and out of the basket unassisted and be able to stand for the duration of the flight.
- Children under the age of 7 generally are not encouraged to fly in the balloon.
- Please call us with any questions you might have regarding this matter at (484) 696-4683.
How do I make a reservation?
- Call us! We will be more than happy to assist you in finding the perfect date to go on a balloon ride. We can also answer any questions that you might have regarding the flight. Have your credit card ready to reserve a space. Fall foliage season can fill up quickly so make your reservation soon!
What is your cancellation policy?
- We accept cancellations up to 72 hours or 3 days before the flight. This leaves us with some time to fill your former spots in the basket.
What if the weather turns south the day of the flight?
- Don't fret. There is no charge for weather cancellations. If you choose to find another date, we are happy to help you find a date that works for you.